Healthcare Administration
So, the question is what is healthcare administration ?
Healthcare administration is the field relating to management, leadership, health care system and hospital networks in all the primary, secondary and teritary sectors.
Healthcare administration is also known as health administration.
Healthcare administration may also include:
- One whole healthcare system.
- Some specific facilities like, physicians`s practices and hospitals.
- Some clinical areas like nursing, physiotherapy or cardilogy.
- Areas like, staffing, facility administration and finances.
What Are The Healthcare Administrator Responsibilities?
The following are the main healthcare administrator responsibilities :
- Managing human capital that includes policies for hiring, staff schedules and more.
- Managing the patient care experience.
- Looking after the financial health of the organization.
Healthcare Administration Dramatic Changes
Healthcare administration has actually made some very dramatic changes over the last century.
Here`s how it actually changed:
- Hospitals now have become very large.
- Technology has changed in a very god way.
- Government now plays a huge role in healthcare delivery system.
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