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Showing posts from January, 2021

Home Remedies For Dandruff

  A lot of people suffer with dandruff related problem. Having dandruff in your hair can also make you feel embarassed when you are with your friends , in a party or while interacting with someone. In fact having dandruff is not good for your hair also. Also Read -  What to do to get rid of negative thoughts? So what can you do to get rid of this dandruff ? Just try these home remedies to get rid of dandruff 1. Neem  Neem is a natural antiseptic.  It has also been used for thousands of years to deal with hair problem.If there is a problem of dandruff, boil neem leaves in water.  Later grind the leaves and make a thick paste. Apply this paste on the head for 10 minutes. Later wash the head with water.  2. Curd Apply old and sour curd or whey all over your head. Keep it for at least 10 minutes (preferably for at least 30 minutes). Later wash the head with water. Also Read -  How to stay cool in summer without ac 3. Baking Soda Wash your head After that rub a table spoon baking soda all o

Benefits Of Eating Chocolates That You Should Know

Here are some benefits of grabbing a chocolate. Read and enjoy  1. Eating cocolate can help you with a proper blood circulation. 2. According to one study, eating dark chocolate can also help you see better. 3. Want to fell happy ? just buy and eat your most favourite chocolate. 4. If you suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, you should try adding chocolate to your daily diet. Just a small chcocolate bar is enough. 5. You can eat a normal chocolate too but dark chcoclates are more beneficial. And eating some dark chocolate may help reduce your chances of getting cancer. 6. It reduces risk of stroke also. 7. Chocolates are good for your brain too. Flavanols in chocolate are thought to reduce memory loss in older people. 8. Eating chocolates  you feel better. Whether you are stressed, sad, depressed, worried, etc, eat some chocolate, it will make you feel better for sure. Because chocolate contains phenylethylamine, which is the same chemical that your brain creates when you feel like fa

3 Effective And Easy Homeremedies For Constipation

Try these  homeremdies for constipation if you are suffering with constipation. These effective and easy homeremdies for will surely help you. Hopefully you wuill get a relief from constipation after reading anad trying these amazing homeremedies for constipation. Why Laughter is The Best Medicine 1. Change Your Diet It could be possible that you are eating something that you should avoid right now. Eat  boiled food, drink hot soups, avoid fried or spicy food for now. 2. You Need To Drink Some Hot Water Drink a lot of water. You need to keep your body hydrated and your body needs a lot of water at this time. Not just normal water but try to drink some luke warm water. Drink luke warm water 3 to 4 times a day. 3. Vaseline Apply vaseline, petrolium jelly inside your anus. Yes you need to keep that place oily not dry. Apply some vaseline jelly with your clean finger, inside your anus. It will help you a lot with constipation. Applying vaseline jelly to that place helps you poop easily. It

Home Remedies For Shoulder Blade Pain In Hindi

  Shoulder pain may occur because of many reasons. Lifting somthing heavy, sleeping in a wrong position, working too hard and too much while using your shoulder may cause shoulder blade pain. Shoulder blade pain can stop you from doing your daily household and other work. Therefore it is very important to get rid of shoulder blade pain. Here are some home remedies to get rid of soulder blade pain. 1. Using Ice Ice treatment is very beneficial for shoulder pain. Make an ice pack and place it in a painful area. Bake, you will feel relieved. 2. Massage Massage someone with light hands on the shoulders, it gives great relief. This is the best way to get relief in pain. This relaxes the muscles and makes the blood circulation well. 3. Take Rest It is very important to take rest. Take a lot of rest and try not to do any hard work, while you are suffering from shoulder blade pain. 4. Doctor If nothing helps, in that case you should see your doctor. You can apply an ointment on your shoulder b

How To Stop Overthiking

  Overthinking can really ruin your health. Oerthinking is very bad for your physical and mental health. Today we wilss discuss about how and why you should stop overthinking. Why You Should Stop Overthinking Also Read -  Symptoms Of New Strain Of Coronavirus Overthinking only creates more problems that aren`t even there. Overthinking can ruin your physical and mental health also. Overthinking never solves your problems. But it maks difficult to even breathe and live a normal life. Instead of overthinking, you should try to find solutions to your problems. Always remember that you should fix what you can and forget what you can`t. How To Stop Overthinking Divert your mind.  Yes the only thing that you can do to stop overthinking is to divert your mind and tell yourself that overthinking never solves any problem. Do what makes you happy. Sit and talk with positive people. Go for a walk, draw something.Listen to happy motivational songs. Chat with your friends or loved ones or simply wat