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Make Your Own Sanitizer At Home, Just in 1 Minute

  You can buy and use any good quality hand sanitizer to sanitize your hands. But sanitizing your hands is not enough. There are a lot of things that you need to sanitize. For Example : Packet of chips, noodles, snacks, door locks, furniture, packages, bottles, etc. Just like you use water to wash vegetables, fruits and non-veg before cooking or eating It. Also Read This -  Just Do These Things And Coronavirus Won`t Even Think About Touching You It is very important to sanitize things like Packet of chips, noodles, snacks, door locks, furniture, packages, bottles, etc. before using them. You can`t use a normal sanitizer to sanitize these things because  you will have to buy a lot of sanitizers to do this. How To Make Your OWn Sanitizer At Home In 1 Minute ? Just do the following to make your own sanitizer in one minute.  You can even use it to wash your hands or stuff like Packet of chips, noodles, snacks, door locks, furniture, packages, bottles, etc. Do the following -  You can use d

Health Comes Before Money, Happiness And Everything : An important Message, Must Read

 Hi, In this world, there are different types of people with different thoughts and mindsets. Some people believe that health is everything while some other people believe that being happy or being able to earn to survive comes first. You must have heard about this famous term "Health is Wealth" . Well, whoever made this term must be a genius. We need money to survive, we need to be happy to live a healthy and good life but what comes first is being healthy. Also Read -  Eating Too Much Salt Can Kill You : MUST READ Yes, your health comes first. If you are healthy than you can do anything in life, you can earn, you can work and achieve your dreams and keep yourself and your loved ones happy. When a hard working and healthy person gets sick, in that case they become unable to work, earn or even smile. And being sick or unhealthy can also cause a lot of problems, financial loss and mental illnesses. And yes, not just being physical healthy is enough, you have to be mentally hea

Eating Too Much Salt Can Kill You : MUST READ

  Eating Too Much Salt Can Kill You If you are a salt lover and if you eat a lot of salt with or without your meals, then you should definitely read this article. Some people avoid eating too much salt.  But on the other hand, there are many people who love eating too much or some extra salt with or without eating their food. Eating too much salt can kill you, eating too much salt can kill your health. Also Read -  How To Be Happy ? Read These 27 Magical Tips There are many disadvantages of eating too much salt. Why eating too much salt is bad for you ? Eating too much salt increases blood pressure because it holds excess fluid in the body. Eating too much salt will increase your risk of stroke, heart failure, osteoporosis, stomach cancer, kidney disease and many other problems. Bad for your bones Eating too much salt is very very dangerous for your bones too. If you have any kind of a bone related problem, in that case you should avoid eating too much salt. Weight gain Eating too much

How To Be Happy ? Read These 27 Magical Tips

  Try These 27 Tips To Be Happy If you are feeling sad, depressed, tensed etc. And even if you are feeling absolutely fine, i would like you to read these 27 tips to be happy. You can even share these tips with someone who is unhappy. I hope you guys never get sad but this is life and bad things always happen in life that makes you sad. But you can be happy even when you are feeling sad. Just read these 27 tips to be happy and follow them. Also Read -  Try these 8 easiest tips to cure your cold and sneezing at home. Stand in front of your mirror, and try to smile and dance. Yes even if you are sad, just do what i said.Try it. Help someone without any reason. Cook for your family. Watch something that you love. Tell your love, friends, family members that you love them. Watch a movie with your family. Draw something. Play ludo or any other online game with someone. Eat your favourite food. Listen to your favourite music. Exercise. Spend time with kids or your pets. Wear your favourite c

Hot Milk Or Cold Milk? Which One You Should Drink ? Read Carefully

  Hot Milk Or Cold Milk?  Before i start, i hope you guys are doing great. Please read our full article and don`t forget to subscribe us if you like this article or any other article in this website. Thank You ! Milk is very impotant for all of us. Milk gives us calcium, magnisum, zinc, vitamin D. Milk keeps our bones and teeth strong. But, hot milk or cold milk ? which one is better ? Even if you don`t like drinking milk, you should definitely read this. And if you love drinking milk, then which one is you favourite ? Hot milk or cold milk ? Well, hot milk or cold milk, both have their own advantages. Let`s talk about hot milk first. Hot Milk Benefits 1. Drinking hot milk before going to bed at night or drinking hot milk before sleeping, helps you to have a good sleep. 2. Suffering from common cold ? try drinking hot milk with some honey. I t will help you in getting rid of your common cold. 3. Adding some turmeric to your hot milk, and drinking it slowly, helps you with sore throat,

Very Easy Home Remedies For Cold And Sneezing (2021 November)

Try these 8 easiest tips to cu re your cold and sneezing at home. 1. Make a strong hot masala chai (tea) at home and drink. It will surely help you. 2. Apply vicks vaporub on your neck, chest and little bit on your nose. 3. Take warm water steam but be very careful while taking warm water staem. 4. Drink hot liquids and avoid cold water and cold drinks and cold food. Also Read -  Top 5 Healthiest Food You Should Eat 5. Keep yourself clean and stay warm. 6. Take rest. 7. Gargle twice a day, this will also help. 8. Do a little bit of exercise if you can. Hope this helps ! Take Care :)

Top 5 Healthiest Food You Should Eat

    In this post you will get to know about the top 5 healthiest food that you should eat. Eating such health food will keep your body healthy and fit. 1.Potato Ripe potatoes help keep the intestines healthy, improve brain function, and provide us with vitamin B6, which is great for reducing stress.  Daily consumption of this vegetable also contributes to the prevention of cardiovascular risk. 2. Spinach Spinach's favorite vegetable contains a lot. Rich in folate, manganese and vitamins A, C and K, spinach is also known for its anti-cancer antioxidants.  Be sure to steam them instead of eating them raw to maximize your benefits. Also Read -  Home Remedies For Early Age White Hair Problem 3. Artichoke Artichoke, appreciated for its leaves and its heart, is endowed with many nutrients beneficial to health. This protein rich food protects the liver, activates infection and is especially recommended for pregnant women. 4. Little pea In zucchini, dry ginger or chutney, peas are a vegeta

Just One Awesom Home Remedy For Heviness or Strain above eyes

If you are experiencing heaviness or strain above your eyes, near eyebrows, in that case you just have to follow this one awesome home remedy and your problem will be gone. Note - Be very very very very careful  while doing this home remedy for heaviness or strain above eyes. Because your one mistake can be very harmful so do it at your own risk. But no doubt this home remedy will surely help you. What should i do ? All you have to do is to take hot water steam. Yes, Just boil some water in a round huge pan. And take steam with this water. You can use your mouth or nose, anything to take steam. But be careful while taking steam, because warm water can be dangerous if you don`t know the right way to take steam. If you are child, in that case avoid taking steam. If you are 18 + and you have some good knowledge on how to take steam, then you can take steam to cure ypour heaviness or strain above your eyes.

5 Home Remedy For Knee Pain: Try this One Tip

If you are suffering from knee pain than all you have to do is to follow just one tip and get rid of your pain. Before i tell you this one tip, one easy way to get rid of your knee pain, i would like to tell you that you need to have a little patience while doing this treatment. And there is not 100% chance that you knee pain will be gone after trying this home remedy but still there is 99% chance that you get rid of your knee pain. Dont lose hope ! Do this, Just apply an ointment on the affected area of your knee and wrap it with a crape bandage. Now avoid walking and give rest to your knee.  You can apply an ointment and wrap you knee with a crape bandage twice a day for two days. And remember that you should not wrap crape bandage too tight or too lose. It should be normal. Also Read -  How To Stop Overthinking ? Just Do This Take rest, eat healthy, stay positive. And even if after two days you don`t feel any relief in your knee pain, well in that case you might need to see your doc

How To Stop Overthinking ? Just Do This

  So, overthinking is taking your peace away ? Well, let`s just get to the point. 1. First of all remember that overthinking will never solve your problems, well i am talking about overthinking over negative stuff. Thinking about past, future, or getting worried about anything will only ruin your health. 2. If the reason of your overthinking is some kind of your present problem or mistake, in that case try to fix it and if you can`t fix it, just pray to God and let it go. If this doesn`t help then talk to someone you can trust. Share your problems with someone you can trust. 3. Focus on the current situation, live in present.  As soon as you start overthinking about something, just stop it right away by keeping yourself  busy in good things, go out, play with your pets, listen to some motivating or just happy good songs. Also Read -  Home Remedies For Tongue Ulcers, Read Carefully 4. Take a paper, write STOP OVERTHINKING, FOCUS ON YOU WORK AND IMPORTANT THINGS, WORK HARDER AND HARDER

Lose Belly Fat in 7 Days At Home

  Lose Belly Fat in 7 Days At Home Yes it is possible. Yes, you can lose belly fat in 7 days at home. It is not a joke guys, it is 100% true. All you have to do is to show some dedication and a little bit of hard work. Because if you won`t give your 100% then you won`t get your 100% results. Continue reading this article on how to lose belly fat in 7 days at home, only if you are really trying to get rid of your belly fat fast at home. If you are ready to give your best to lose your belly fat in 7 days at home then, this article is just for you. How To Properly Wash Your Hands, According To Doctors How to lose belly fat in 7 days at home ? Just follow these rules to lose belly fat in 7 days at home. Rule number one Get serious  - Yes, get serious about losing your belly fat. Don`t take it lightly if you have a big fat tummy, because if you won`t lose your belly fat today, then you will have to cry tomorrow. You will have to face a lot of health issues if  you won`t lose belly fat today

Home Remedies For Tongue Ulcers, Read Carefully

First of all we should know that everything and every problems takes time to heal. Just like that, even a small tongue ulcer can take days to heal. What should i do ?  Here are few home remedies for tongue ulcers. 1. Avoid eating spicy food. 2. Avoid drinking hot tea or taking hot fluids. 3. Avoid eating anything from the affected area, if you have a mouth ulcer on the right inner side of your mouth, in that case you should eat from the left side. Vice versa for the left side if it is affected. Also Read -  18 Tips To Stay Healthy and Fit Forever 4. Try not to speak much, give rest to your mouth. 5. Ask your doctor which mouth ulcer relieving gel you can use. 6. Eat a healthy diet but as i said avoid eating spicy and warm food. 7. If your tongue ulcer doesn`t heal in a few days, in that case you should see your doctor, they might give you some pills to heal your tongue ulcer.

Say Bye Bye To Baldness With These 3 Oils

  1. Mustard Oil Apply mustard oil to get rid of baldness. In fact, zinc, folate and selenium are found in mustard oil. It strengthens the hair roots and prevents breakage.  So if you use mustard oil twice a week, then you will stay away from the problem of baldness. 2. Olive Oil Olive oil will also help you to get rid of baldness. This will not only prevent hair fall but also keep the scalp clean.  This helps in the growth of new hair.  Oleuropein is found in olive oil. It helps in hair growth and strengthens the hair roots. For this, you can apply a mask of olive oil and raw egg in the hair. 3. Coconut Oil It is common for coconut oil to be used for hair. A lot of  people use coconut oil for hair growth and strong hair. Actually, the nutritious elements present in coconut oil work to make the hair golden and make it strong.  And it helps you to get rid of baldness and helps in hair growth.

Only 4 Magical, Easy And Amazing Tips To Always Stay Healthy

  Without wasting any time, let`s get to the point. 1. Exercise, Exercise and Exercise If you always want to be fit, then at least 4 times a week do 15 minutes of exercise in the morning.  If this is not possible, then do a 15-minute brisk walk somewhere nearby.  Keep in mind that while going for a walk and coming back, do not use the lift. 2. Say Hello To Salad Start the meal with a bowl of salad.  After that, eat as much as you are hungry, but eat healthy food. 3. Stay Active Get out of your bed and keep doing something. Physical activity is very important to stay healthy. 4. Fried and Spicy Meal If you remove sweets along with fried and fried things from your diet, then in 3 months the weight of 4-5 kg ​​will be reduced by sitting.  You will not even need to exercise for this.

Health Benefits Of Eating Makhana

  Someone said "you are what you eat". And eating healthy food keeps you healthy and fit. Plus there are many things that can give you strength and keep you happy if you these healthy things. Makhana is very healthy and good for health and you should eat makhana.  Here are some health benefits of eating makhana that you should know. 1. Strong Bones Makhana is very good for bones. You should eat makhana if you are facing any kind of a bone related problem. Makhana consumes calcium which is very good for your bones. Also Read -  Home Remedies For Mosquito Bites You Must Try 2. No Anemia People who have anemia in their body often feel tired throughout the day. It is believed that it is an early symptom of anemia.  At the same time, sufficient quantity of iron is found in the Makhana.  The risk of blood loss in the body will be reduced to a great extent due to the consumption of iron through the Makhana. Makhana is kind of tasteless but still it is very tasty. Not just for you bo

How To Be Happy ? i Promise You Will Be 100% Happy After Reading This

  What i have realized personally is that being happy in life is the main thing. No matter if you are rich or poor, healthy or having a lot of health issues, in a relationship or single, successful or not so successful. But if you are satisfied within, if you are satisfied with what you have, and if you are happy with whatever you have right now. Then you are the king/queen of your life. You can be rich as hell and still be unhappy. On the other hand you can be poor but still you can be happy. How To Be Happy ? If you really want to be happy then stop doing this right now ↓ 1. Stop Overthinking Stop thinking what will happen tomorrow or in future. Do everything that you can do now and whatever you do, just give your 100% in you work. Remember that negative overthinking will never give you happiness,it will only make you sick mentally and physically. Thinking negatively continously will never solve any of your problems. But thinking positively and trying to find solutions to your proble

Stay away from these 3 habits, may increase the risk of corona infection

 Coronavirus keeps spreading almost everyday. And it is very important to take precautions and stay safe during this covid-19 time. Prevention is better than cure. And it is important to take care of a few things to stay away from coronavirus. Stay away from these 3 habits, may increase the risk of corona infection  1. Biting Nails You have no idea but biting your nails can infect your body and stomach very badly. Your nails may contain bacteria, and some people always bite their nails because it is their habit to do so. But biting nails can increase the chances of  suffering from some serious infection which may also increase your chances of getting close to this deadly disease coronavirus. Also Read -  Mental Health: Do This To Be Mentally Happy 2. Wear Clean Clothes Don`t forget to wear clean clothes every day. It is very important to stay clean to stay habit. Some people have a habit of wearing their same clothes for days, especially during winter time. this habit is also very bad

8 Things To Do To Change Your Mood In Less Than 30 Seconds (Be Happy)

   8 Things To Do To Change Your Mood In Less Than 30 Seconds (Be Happy) Are you feeling sad or depressed ? Don`t worry. Follow these amazing tips to change your mood and be happy. 8 Things To Do To Change Your Mood In Less Than 30 Seconds (Be Happy) 6 AMAZING TIPS TO KEEP YOUR MIND POSITIVE AND HAPPY How To Stay Healthy ? 4 Simple Tips To Stay Healthy and Happy Only 2 Tips To Stay Happy 1.Talk to a stranger or Someone Old Research shows that simple social engagement like smiling or a healthy brief conversation with a stranger or with a old person can change your mood in less than  30 seconds  and make you happy. So go ahead and talk to someone very old or simply go for a walk and try to talk with a stranger. Pass a smile and see how this amazing tip can change your mood in less than  30 seconds . 2. Social Media Feeling bad ? Are you  depressed  or upset because of something? Stop overthinking it will only ruin your health. Use the power of social media. Just go and play your favorite

Mental Health: Do This To Be Mentally Happy

   6 Tips To Be Mentally Happy To live a happy and a healthy life, it is very important to be mentally happy and healthy. If a person is physically healthy but he/she is mentally weak or unhappy, in that case it is impossible to live a happy and a healthy life. If you are mentally unhappy then you will always be depressed and sad. Overthinking and thinking negatively can affect your mental health in a very bad way. Today i will tell you 6 tips to be mentally happy, so that you can live a happy and a healthy lifestyle. Money or Health ? What Will You Choose ? How To  Be Happy →  5 Tips To Be Happy Fragrance Therapy Follow these 6 tips to be mentally happy 1. Drink Water Maybe it sounds silly or common but there are a lot of benefits of  drinking wate r. Just like a shower cleans the outside of your body, drinking water cleans the inside of your body. Drink  7  to  8  glass of water everyday. Make it a habit and you will see that you will start feeling more energetic, plus it will also r