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Showing posts from October, 2021

Very Easy Home Remedies For Cold And Sneezing (2021 November)

Try these 8 easiest tips to cu re your cold and sneezing at home. 1. Make a strong hot masala chai (tea) at home and drink. It will surely help you. 2. Apply vicks vaporub on your neck, chest and little bit on your nose. 3. Take warm water steam but be very careful while taking warm water staem. 4. Drink hot liquids and avoid cold water and cold drinks and cold food. Also Read -  Top 5 Healthiest Food You Should Eat 5. Keep yourself clean and stay warm. 6. Take rest. 7. Gargle twice a day, this will also help. 8. Do a little bit of exercise if you can. Hope this helps ! Take Care :)

Top 5 Healthiest Food You Should Eat

    In this post you will get to know about the top 5 healthiest food that you should eat. Eating such health food will keep your body healthy and fit. 1.Potato Ripe potatoes help keep the intestines healthy, improve brain function, and provide us with vitamin B6, which is great for reducing stress.  Daily consumption of this vegetable also contributes to the prevention of cardiovascular risk. 2. Spinach Spinach's favorite vegetable contains a lot. Rich in folate, manganese and vitamins A, C and K, spinach is also known for its anti-cancer antioxidants.  Be sure to steam them instead of eating them raw to maximize your benefits. Also Read -  Home Remedies For Early Age White Hair Problem 3. Artichoke Artichoke, appreciated for its leaves and its heart, is endowed with many nutrients beneficial to health. This protein rich food protects the liver, activates infection and is especially recommended for pregnant women. 4. Little pea In zucchini, dry ginger or chutney, peas are a vegeta

Just One Awesom Home Remedy For Heviness or Strain above eyes

If you are experiencing heaviness or strain above your eyes, near eyebrows, in that case you just have to follow this one awesome home remedy and your problem will be gone. Note - Be very very very very careful  while doing this home remedy for heaviness or strain above eyes. Because your one mistake can be very harmful so do it at your own risk. But no doubt this home remedy will surely help you. What should i do ? All you have to do is to take hot water steam. Yes, Just boil some water in a round huge pan. And take steam with this water. You can use your mouth or nose, anything to take steam. But be careful while taking steam, because warm water can be dangerous if you don`t know the right way to take steam. If you are child, in that case avoid taking steam. If you are 18 + and you have some good knowledge on how to take steam, then you can take steam to cure ypour heaviness or strain above your eyes.