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Healthiest and Tastiest Foods That You Can Eat During Navratri Fast

Healthiest and Tastiest Foods That You Can Eat During Navratri Fast

Healthiest and Tastiest Foods That You Can Eat During This Navratri Fast 2019

 Navratri has  just round started and Navratri it is a Hindu festival of 9 days dedicated to Goddess Durga and her nine avatars, each avatar is worshipped each day. These 9 days are very auspicious and people wake early and do pooja and also fast for 9 days.

Some people strictly follow the rules in Navratri and some people follow only half of the rules.
Some people don’t know what they should eat during Navratri. Here is a list of some healthiest and tastiest foods that you can eat during Navratri fasting.

Healthiest and Tastiest Foods That You Can Eat During Navratri Fast

Kuttu Atta (buckwheat flour)

Kuttu atta or buckwheat flour is packed with high fibre that helps in detoxification of body.
This food will also keep your tummy full. You won`t feel very hungry again and again during your fast if you eat this type of food.
This food is rich in proteins, B-complex vitamins and minerals like phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc and copper.
The essential fatty acids in buckwheat reduce the risk of diabetes by lowering glucose, blood pressure, cholesterol and reduce hemorrhage caused by high blood pressure.

Sabudana (sago/tapioca pearls)

Sabudana is an great source of carbohydrates which boosts the much-needed energy during your fasting time.

Sabudana is low in fat and low in protein, it can be used with other ingredients, such as milk and dals, for making kheer, payasam, or vegetables and peanuts for making sabu dana khichdi at ghome during Navratri.

Dry fruits

Dry fruits are the most healthiest and tastiest food you can eat during Navratri fast.
Almonds, cashew nuts and kishmish can be eaten during Navratri fasts.
These dry fruits are most used to flavour desserts like halwas or payasams, preparing laddoos for Navratri.

Vegetables and Fruits

Fruits and boiled vegetables are the healthiest and tastiest food that you can consume during Navratri fast.
Vegetables like  potato, pumpkin, sweet potato, cucumber, raw plantain, tomato, carrot, raw papaya and spinach are vegetable that are mostly consumed during Navratri.

Dairy products

Maybe you don`t this but Dairy products are considered to be holy for any auspicious occasion.
You can consume dairy products like : milk, curd, paneer, butter, ghee, khoya and condensed milk during Navratri fasting.
These are the healthiest and tastiest foods that you can eat during your Navratri fasting and stay healthy during this Navratri fast time.

God Bless You All.

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