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Easiest Home Remedies To Stop Hair Loss In Women

Easiest Home Remedies To Stop Hair Loss In Women Today

Hair is the beauty of  a woman. Hair is the beauty of men too but if you see a bald men walking on the road. You won`t react while looking at him but if you see bald woman walking on the road, you will think about why she is bald and look at her head.

Easiest Home Remedies To Stop Hair Loss In Women Today

That`s why they say that hair is the beauty of a woman and women look beautiful with long hair.

A lot of females suffer with hair loss. Some women face hair loss when they are young and some of them suffer with hair loss when they grow old.


Hair loss is a very common problem in women.

But don`t worry, i will tell you some easiest home remedies to stop hair loss in women today.

Follow these easiest home remedies to stop hair loss in women.

  • Cleanliness

The first thing you should do to stop your hair loss today is to take a shower regularly. Keep your body and hair clean. Use one shampoo that suits you twice or thrice a week. Wash your head properly using your fingers.

Massage your scalp nicely and later wash your head with clean plain water. You should also use hair conditioner for hair smoothing after or before using shampoo on your head.

  • Oil Your Hair

Hair oiling is very important. This is the best and easiest home remedy to save your hair from any kind of a hair problem or hair loss.

Oil your head at least 4 to 5 times a week. Use your favorite oil that suits you.And if you have to wash your head with a shampoo next day. In that case you should oil your hair at night and the other morning just wash your head.

Try this easy home remedy to stop hair loss if you are a woman. Even men can try this to stop hair loss.

    • Take Vitamins

    Deficiencies in vitamins H, D, and E can cause you hair loss. Restoring such deficiencies by supplementing these vitamins may help restore hair growth. 
    Use these vitamins to prevent hair loss but talk to your doctor first before consuming any kind of a vitamin. Eat healthy food and fruits too.
    • Rub Green Tea Into Your Hair

    Studies have shown that rubbing green tea into hair may help curb hair loss.

    Just brew two bags of green tea in one cup of water, leave to cool and thereafter, apply it to your hair. Rinse your hair thoroughly after an hour.

    • Stop Combing or Drying Wet Hair

    If you have a habit of combing or drying wet hair. Just after taking a bath. In that case you will have a face a huge hair loss. Avoid combing or drying wet hair because it will damage your hair also.

    Let your hair dry naturally. Tpo avoid hair loss.

    • Protein

    Eating lean meats, fish, soy or other proteins promotes hair health and it can help you to stop your hair fall.

    Follow these tips also to stop hair loss in women today.

    • Avoid taking stress and avoid over thinking
    • Stay hydrated, drink a lot of water
    • Avoid using too much hair colors
    • Avoid drying your hair with any kind of a towel. Let your hair dry naturally
    • Change your hair style if needed
    • Avoid tying your hair too tightly
    • Stop keeping your hair open all day
    Trying these easiest and safe home remedies to stop hair loss in women are very effective and helpful. Just give it a try.

    Good Luck.

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